Friday, October 15, 1999

Wild Hairs - October 15th, 1999 - by MrM

Where did my hairs go I wonder? 
Where did they go?
I know I had them here yesterday. 
 Did they all run away?
Wherever did they go?

What did I do I wonder
to make them all run away?
Did I think too much? 
Did I not think enough?
Whatever did I do?

Why did they leave me I wonder? 
Did they not like my shampoo?
Was my getting them clean
such a terrible thing?
Why-ever did they leave?

Where have my hairs gone I wonder... 
since I saw them last on my head?
Did they all emigrate to some new cranial plate?
Wherever did they go?

What were they thinking I wonder? 
I wonder if hairs can think.
Were they having nightmares 
of barbers in pairs?

Whatever... what do you think?



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